Led by Venerable Dr. I. U. Ibeme.






27TH – 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2007

THEME: “Nigerians: God’s People”



As the Mission Agency of the Kingdom of God, the Church has been sent on a mission to represent God to the world. This mission is to gather out kingdom disciple-witnesses for Christ out of every nook and cranny, tribe and tongue of this world, throughout this age. This “gathered-out” Disciples of Christ constitute the Church of Christ. According to Matt 28:19-20, the MAKING of these Disciples would require BAPTISM and TEACHING. However this must first be preceded by BELIEVING the Gospel PREACHED in the power of the Holy Spirit. (Mark 16:15-16).


The divine intention (as revealed in Christ’s prayer in John 17) is that the Church will work together both to share-in and show-forth the glory of God through THE  WORD, LOVE, UNITY, POWER AND PURITY (John 17:4-8, 18-24).


THE CHURCH is the people CALLED to God OUT OF the world through salvation in Christ and sent by God into the world for the salvation of all.


THE GOSPEL is the invitation into the blessedness of God’s Kingdom in which the Lordship of Christ alone is wholeheartedly accepted. Jesus summarized this Gospel invitation in Luke 24: 47; so also Peter in Acts 2:38-39 and Paul in Acts 17:30-31. The Gospel (GOOD NEWS) we preach therefore is this:


that there is now the blessing of remission of sins (or salvation from sin) and the assurance of glory for anyone who repents and believes in Jesus as the Christ and the risen Lord.


EVANGELISM is the PUBLISHING OF THE GOOD NEWS about the saving Lordship of Jesus and the gracious Kingdom of God.



1. Why do you think Evangelism is considered as the ‘first of all’? Mark 13:10; 1Cor 15:3; Gal 3:8?

2. What is the difference between the words ‘Evangelical’ and ‘evangelism/evangelistic’?

3. If one believes in, and practices obedience to the Bible above all other things, what word describes him/her?

4. If one zealously engages in preaching the gospel to non-believers, what word describes him/her?

5. How has the following hindered the Church from excelling in evangelism?

# Neglect of Evangelism and lack of awareness about its necessity;

# Rancour, disunity and lack of compassion for lost sinners;

# Change of emphasis from Mission to Fellowship;

# Maintenance rather than Mission orientation in our churches;

# Fear of danger, failure and inconveniences;

# Lack of and poor management of human and material resources;

# Tribal segregation and party spirit; Col 3:11

# False sense of sufficiency especially with large congregations; Rev 3:14-22

# Mercenary (hireling John 10:12-13) mindset rather than Missionary (cost bearing Luke 9:1-5; 1Cor 9:16) mindset.



THE CHURCH’S MISSION is the assignment (task or work) of shining God’s saving light through Christ, for which the Church is sent into the world as Christ’s witnesses. Isa 49:6; Luk 19:10; Act 1:8; 13:47; 26:18, 23; and God’s representatives Acts 26:17-18; 2Cor 5:20.This divine mission commits us:

            1. to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God; (EVANGELIZATION)

            2. to teach, baptize and nurture new believers; (DISCIPLESHIP)

            3. to respond to human need by loving service; (MINISTRATION)

            4. to seek to transform unjust structures of society; (CHRISTIANIZATION) and

            5. to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and to sustain and renew the life of the earth; (CONSERVATION)

            6. to seek to share fellowship in unity, and to worship God in spirit and truth. (COMMUNION)


CHURCH PLANTING is the gathering together for Christ, Disciples of all nations in all places where no such church yet exists.

Many missionaries and missiologists believe in what is called SATURATION church planting. This means planting churches:

# In all the world, for every soul Mk 16:15;

# In the uttermost ends of the earth Act 1:8;

# Everywhere, every place, every city Luke 9:6; 10:1;

# For everyone Col 1:26-28, in every nation Mat 28:19;

# Where Christ is not named Rom 15:20;

# In the regions beyond 2Cor 10:16.



1. What aspects of the Church’s Mission are evident in Mat 28:18-20 and Mk 16:15-16?

2. How does few and far-apart church distribution in a metropolis enrich transportation businesses and impoverish the Church?

3. What do these verses say is one key reason why Christ founded the Church in the world? John 17:18; 20:21; Act 1:8; 2Cor 5:20.

4. From these verses how could we be sure the churches we plant and worship in are true churches? Mat 5:16; John 8:31; 13:35; 15:8; Act 2:38-47.

5. As a Disciple-Witness, what should be your attitude towards Church planting? (In treasure, talent, time, tongue and tarrying)

6. How do our modes of worship and singing limit the number of tribes that worship in our congregations? How could we amend this?

7. What problems and hindrances do you think we face in Church Planting and Church Growth? What possible solutions could you proffer?



Last Updated November 6, 2007

By The Revd Dr. I. U. Ibeme

Copyright  © PriscAquila Publishing, Maiduguri, Nigeria.

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