By Ven. Dr. I. U. Ibeme

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By the authority of the Lord, the Apostles commanded (1Thess 5:27) that the Church congregation be continually exposed to God’s Word (Col 4:16) through:-

1.    Bible Reading

2.    Bible Preaching

3.    Bible Teaching (1Tim 4:13)

This demands that Church Ministers must engage in Bible study in order to have accurate interpretation that stands the test anywhere (2Tim 2:15).  Such study must seek to know the background of every Scripture in its context.


As ministers of the Word to the congregation, our study of 1John should seek to have accurate understanding by finding out

1.    The historical circumstances that surrounded its writing.

2.    The contextual meaning of its teachings and themes

3.    The exhortatory usefulness and doctrinal content of its message (i.e. the life application).


Able ministers of the New Testament (2Cor. 3:6) must be well equipped, through a good knowledge and understanding of the Scripture, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, to make known the ways of God and how to walk in them according to the New Covenant in Christ’s Blood.




Author: Apostle John, the son of Zebedee and brother of James.

Date:  Towards the end of the first century AD (80 – 90 AD)

Purpose: Polemic treatise to the Church refuting the empty and deceitful, philosophical traditions and speculations of GNOSTICISM which was creeping into the Church (Col 2:8-10)



Gnosticism is a bizarre, syncretistic philosophical (1Tim 6:20-21) religion which was nascent in the second half of the first century AD but fully blossomed in the second and third centuries. It is called GNOSTICISM (from the Greek GNOSIS = knowledge) because it claimed to possess special knowledge (gnosis) which was secretly taught to its initiates.


The Gnostics instead of asking the practical question: “What must I do to be saved from sin?”, set out to ask the impractical question: “What is the origin of evil?” and “How could the pre-evil order of the universe be restored?”. Gnostics of conflicting sects claimed they had secret tradition or knowledge handed down to them exclusively from Christ and His first followers.



Gnostics combined the philosophies of genealogies of the hierarchy of the divinities (PERSIAN philosophy) and the equality of the forces of GOOD /spirit and EVIL/matter (SYRO-EGYPTIAN dualism), in the language of Platonism (GREEK philosophy).



The Gnostics believed that the Supreme Holy God of pure light, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is not the same as the Creator God of the 0ld Testament. To the Gnostics the creator God is a corrupted and lower divinity who is the author of matter and its evil and darkness.


Cerinthus, a popular Gnostic teacher in Ephesus who broke away from John’s congregation (1John 2:18-21), taught that Jesus was different from Christ. To him Jesus was a phantom not a real human – DOCETISM, while Christ was true divine light who came on Jesus at baptism (“by water only”) but left before the crucifixions and death (“not by blood”). For him Christ did not come in the flesh because the flesh is matter and evil. So St. John concluded that this amounts to denying both the Creator Father and the Incarnate Son (1John 2:21-23;  4:2;  5:1, 6) 



Gnostics taught that sin was not any fault of humans but the limiting and oppressive force imposed on humans by the Creator God called DEMIURGE, using the prison of the material and evil body. Humans therefore are not guilty of any lawlessness. For this reason, the Ten Commandments and all moral law are rejected by the Gnostics as part of the evil devices of the Demiurge Creator God. John therefore insists that sin is lawlessness (John 3:4) and we must accept and keep the commandment if we are born of God (1John 2:3-4; 5:2-3). 


The Gnostics believed their spirit-man were sparks of the divine Light imprisoned in bodies by the Creator Demiurge. So they claim that since their flesh did not belong to them, they had no sin but were in the light. So John pointed out that denying that our flesh and its sins did not belong to us is self-deceit and a lie. The truth is that Jesus provides the cleansing and made the propitiation for our sins (1John 1:8 – 2;2)


To the Gnostics whether you love or hate, be moral or immoral is irrelevant; what maters is having the secret knowledge of the way of escape from the Demiurge Creator (i.e. learning from the serpent of Eden!). John insisted that being born of God goes with love and righteousness (1John 3;10); to live in sin is to belong to the devil (1John 3:5-9); to indulge in immorality and worldliness is to be in enmity against God and to belong to the Antichrist (1John 2:15-18).





The Apostolic witness of John was surer than the Gnostic spurious claims because it was based on real, daily, open historical contact with Christ. Their message was the original message and there is no other as claimed by the Gnostics. The church is meant to be the fellowship of light for the purified sinners with the Father and the Son.


Chapter 2

Christ has made propitiation for our sins, so we must not sin any longer, though there is provision to advocate for us if we fall into sin unawares. True GNOSIS (KNOWLEDGE) is to keep God’s commandments and follow the examples of Christ.  The commandment is to love our brother as Christ loved, not to love the sinful ways and things of the world.  If we hold fast to the apostolic witness and fellowship we are sure of eternal life, which Christ has promised and partake of the glory that shall be at his appearing.


Chapter 3

We are children of God through Christ so we shall be like Him on the last day. Sin is the practice of lawlessness not an evil in matter. Righteousness is the practice of God’s commandments not a presumed spiritual spark. Those born of God are able not to sin because the seed of God remains in them having passed from death to life and having received the indwelling Spirit through Christ


Chapter 4

The test of the Spirit of Truth is base on the Christ that is preached and believed. The true Christ is He who came, not only in the Spirit (by water in Ch.5), but also in the flesh (by blood in Ch 5). Christ’s love was the love that was unto death and so was propitiatory.


Those who have fellowship with this Christ share in the love that is of God. The Christ who suffered and died is the true demonstration of God’s love and so is the motivation to love for all who believe in such Christ.


Chapter 5

Loving the brethren and loving God, who first loved us, is a mandate that true believers don’t find burdensome. Neither is  God faulty nor is God’s commandment an oppressive regimen. Christ overcame the world and the satanic sway over the world. This He did by taking up the human flesh, dying in the flesh, and rising unto eternal life. By raising Christ from death unto eternal life, God testified to all that Jesus is actually the Son of God and truly the Christ.


Due to this stupendous testimony from God, we who believe in Jesus as the Christ have confidence that God answers us what we ask in Christ’s Name. As such, we triumph over the world when we are in Christ.



Ven. Dr I. U. Ibeme


Last revised: June 26, 2007


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