By Venerable Dr. Ifechukwu U. Ibeme.  

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Induction: finding out the meaning/message of the Scripture to make it our idea.

Deduction: looking for proofs of our preconceived ideas from Scripture.


A.      PERUSAL (READING): What is the written text?

Aim: To carefully and intelligibly read the text and get conversant with the passage.

Method:   Read the Scriptures generally, then read the portion of the Scripture you want to study thoroughly. Let your reading be:

Intelligible reading,

Animated reading,  

Prayerful reading,   

Repeated reading,            

Wide reading,                   

Consistent reading.


B.      PLACES-PERSONS-POINTS (OBSERVATION): What does the text say?

Aim: To keenly look at the content of the text to be able to reframe it in your own words.

Method: As you read, use queries to sharpen the keenness of your power of observation of the passage, thereafter attempt to render/summarise the text/passage as you understand it.

(a) Ask all the Wh’s and How’s.

What style of Writing is this? (Narrative, Discuss, Poetry, Parable, Prophecy, Philosophy, Teaching?).

          What subject/event is being discussed?

          When did/does/will this happen?

          Whence did/ought to antecede?

          Where did/does/will this happen?

Whither should/did follow?

          Who was/is speaking?

          Whom was/is spoken to/of?

          Why/Wherefore did/does/will the event/discuss take place?

          How was/should this be accepted/expected?


                   (b) Notice important matters.

          Key/recurrent words/contrasts.

          Main theme/points/ideas.

          Outline sub-themes, sections, and segments.

          Flow of logic/sequence followed in both reasoning and developments.


(c) Make your own summary or rendering of the passage or text.


C.      PURPORT (INTERPRETATION): What does the text mean?

Aim: To discover the plain contextual intention of the author.

Method: First of all and most importantly, interpret the text “IN PLAIN CONTEXT” with adjoining Scriptures (not allegorically or figuratively out of context).


NOTE that ALLEGORY which fascinates many people today as revelation-knowledge of the Scriptures is not interpretation and revelation but imagination and innovation. Imaginative symbolisation of the Scripture is subjective, has no basis and could become unimaginably wild and erroneous.


(a)   Background Information:

With the help of any available Bible Study Aids – Bible handbooks, Bible commentaries, Bible dictionaries, Bible maps, Bible charts, Study Bibles. Etc. – get as much information as you can about the times, places, practices and peoples that relate to the text.


(b)  Historical Context:

In what circumstances (time, place culture) was this written?

What sequence of events and at what stage of these sequences is the text?

How was the text understood and responded to by the people involved?

How should the text have been understood?


(c)   Grammatical Context:

How is the passage related to surrounding portions of the Scripture?

What style is the book, chapter or verse written?

What is the mood of the written text?


D.      PRINCIPLES (CORRELATION): How is this interpretation agreeable with other Scriptures and related to the whole revelation of God?

Aim: To ensure a biblically balanced, safe and sound understanding of the text.

Method: Be in fellowship with all the inspired prophets of the Scriptures and sound teachers of the Church, by ensuring that your interpretation and understanding of the text is true with the whole Word of God.

Support, balance, elucidate and compare your interpretation with other related Scriptures and Bible Teachers. This depends on how deep or vast you are in the Scriptures.


(a)  Canonical Context:

Reflect on all you know in the Scriptures especially in relation to the text.

How does the meaning of the text relate to the whole revelation of God’s Word?

Does this fit into the Truth as revealed in other parallel Scripture passages?

Consult Bible concordances, Bible encyclopedic indexes, Bible topical notes, Bible chain references and other Bible Study Aids as mentioned in C (a) above.


(b) Theological Context and Content:

Which aspect of the doctrine of salvation in Christ does this fit into?

What further detail of revelation of God does this furnish the believer?

Consult handbooks of Christian Doctrine, Systematic Theological books.


E.      PRACTICALITY (APPLICATION): What must I/we do with this in real life?

Aim: To derive exhortations and admonitions for faith and life.

Method: Meditate and reflect on:

          What mysteries to learn about God’s –

       Nature (Father/Son/Holy Spirit),

       Pleasure/ Will,

       Power/ Purpose.

           What error/sin to avoid.

           What commands to obey.

           What examples to follow.

           What propositions to accomplish.

           What promises to claim/hope for.

           What portions to memorize.


F.      POWER (TRANSFORMATION): What difference has all this made in my life?

Aim: To pattern my life after God’s revealed pleasure and purpose.

Method: Surrender to and depend on the Holy Spirit to help you obey and conform to God’s Word so that its power shall work out in your life:

          by believing what God has revealed to you in His Word;

by letting it rule your ideas, opinions, desires, choices, etc;

by letting it change your nature from glory to glory till the full stature/image of Christ.


The purpose of Bible Study is not only to discover the Divine Truth, but also to decide for that Truth and to demonstrate the same Truth in our lives. Then shall one be properly placed to disseminate the Truth.


Last updated November 18, 2008

By Venerable Dr I. U. Ibeme.

Copyright  © PriscAquila Publishing, Maiduguri, Nigeria.

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